Specialized Consulting
Committed to Excellence
Level Five was established in 2002 by veterans of the IAA (Israeli Airport Authority) Security division, and since than has been successfully operating in both the Israeli and international market.
Since the middle of the 1990s the IAA (Israeli Airport Authority) has gradually incorporated innovative technological means of inspection into its existing security system. Level Five was established by the same people who lead the IAAs transformation from a profiling based security system to a combination of profiling and state of the art screening technology. Level Fives founders were part of the teams that developed the concepts of utilizing CT EDS in baggage inspection, using diffraction X-ray equipment in the HBS process and introducing ETD into aviation security in Israel.
Level Five specializes in providing solutions for access control and screening of people and baggage. So far we have provided security concepts and training for airlines, airports, government installations, and the private sector.

Level Fives vision treats security as a service that has to be fully integrated into an existing environment with minimal operational, organizational and economical implications.
Our basic approach to security acknowledges the uniqueness of each clients needs. Our team will put together a tailor made solution to fit your security needs, your organizational structure, your customer service requirements and your budget framework.
we regard excellence, professionalism, knowledge, flexibility and an open-minded approach as the cornerstones of our security planning concept.